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The Sunshine Stack

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Part of the spring stack collection


C I T R I N E // Lucky sunshine. A stone of creativity, luck, & wealth. Get fired up about your goals and align yourself with a clear path to make them happen. A great stone for procrastinators looking for a bit of an extra push to attract success, money and stability. Helps navigate you through your personal & professional journey to success. Count on Citrine when you need someone in your corner to boost your self confidence and remind you that you got this!

C A R N E L I A N // Take the Leap. It’s time to get going! Carnelian energizes like a morning cup of coffee. It’s your tiny cheerleader pushing you to take action and go for it. Focus on your goals and get out there and make opportunities for yourself.  A stone of action, it encourages you to take a confident and courageous leap of faith. Carnelian calms anger and stabilizes your emotions and negativity. A stone to support feminine cycle irregularities + infertility.